From Dave Apleter:
02/01/15 - Greenwich, Grass Island -- Redhead continues on the west
side across from the parking area at the point.
From Paul Desjardins:
02/01/15 - Enfield, Barnes boat launch -- 2 Barnacle Geese continue as
seen from the boat launch.
Kings Island boat launch -- Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Brown Creeper
and Winter Wren seen nearby.
From Keith and Jen Mueller:
02/01/15 - Madison, Circle beach -- 3 Iceland gulls (2 adults, 1 2nd
cycle), 2 Rough-legged Hawks.
From Chris Loscalzo and Marianne Vahey:
02/01/15 - Fairfield, end of Fairfield Beach Road (Sunken Island) --
the drake HARLEQUIN DUCK continues. Seen this morning, far out by the
red buoy, in the company of White-winged Scoters. A scope is
definitely needed.
Milford, Milford Point, coastal center -- a beautiful female Light
Phase ROUGH-LEGGED HAWK was observed from the top of the tower,
soaring over the marsh.
From Russ Smiley:
02/01/15 - New London, City Pier -- Iceland Gull and Glaucous Gull at
the pier.
From Robert Dixon with Doug Warner and Tim Thompson:
02/01/15 - Central Village, Quinebaug Fish Hatchery -- COMMON RAVEN
From Jalna and Sara Jaeger:
02/01/15 - Fairfield, 424 Riverside Drive -- YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER
in yard.
From Tom & Ingrid Schaefer:
01/31/15 - Canaan, Orchard Street feeders -- 1st Common Redpoll of
winter joins the established flock of approximately 75 Pine Siskins.