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Hearing Loss

Paul Plotnick
Tue, May 23, 2023 7:10 PM

As one of the oldest birders on this Board, I too have high frequency
hearing loss and thought all the warblers had disappeared. I bought a
Songfinder. It worked fine but the lower frequencies made me learn the
songs all over again and I eventually sold it to another birder. Now I have
hearing aids when I bird and can hear everything again. This past weekend
at Scofieldtown in Stamford I heard a Yellow Warbler, Common Yellowthroat
and Hooded Warbler, something I was unable to do before. I have no trouble
with Robins, Cardinals, Carolina Wrens and many others but the Warblers are
only heard when the hearing aids go in.

Paul Plotnick

As one of the oldest birders on this Board, I too have high frequency hearing loss and thought all the warblers had disappeared. I bought a Songfinder. It worked fine but the lower frequencies made me learn the songs all over again and I eventually sold it to another birder. Now I have hearing aids when I bird and can hear everything again. This past weekend at Scofieldtown in Stamford I heard a Yellow Warbler, Common Yellowthroat and Hooded Warbler, something I was unable to do before. I have no trouble with Robins, Cardinals, Carolina Wrens and many others but the Warblers are only heard when the hearing aids go in. Paul Plotnick Stamford