From Tina Green:
01/30/15 - Fairfield, Sunken Island, at the end of Fairfield Beach Rd
-- 7:20 AM; adult male Harlequin Duck (with Common Goldeneye). Viewing
conditions very cold with flat seas
From Timothy L Thompson:
01/30/15 - New London, City Pier -- Glaucous Gull continues.
Hint: If at first you do not see the Glaucous Gull, throw out some
bread or gull type food and it will soon show up. It's the big "Mack
Daddy" and owns the place.... as it frequents between Crocker's Boat
yard, the rocks along the train tracks, (as Bill B. mentioned
previously) the City pier, and keeps a steady eye on things.
From Keith Mueller with Patrick Comins and Frank Mantlik:
01/30/15 - Southbury, Housatonic River at Mitchell's farm -- on the
river, 8 to 10 Iceland Gulls (1 very small pale adult, 1 -3rd cycle,
1-2nd cycle, all the rest 1st cycle from pale white to dark). Greater
White-fronted Goose continues with very close views. Two Common
From Angela Dimmitt via Sara Zagorski:
01/30/15 - Stratford, Short Beach -- Snowy Owl on the far right side
of the breakwater.
Milford, Milford Point -- Snow Goose continues with other geese.
From Paul Cianfaglione:
01/30/15 - Hartford, 143 Murphy Road (All Waste Recycling Plant) -- 1
first-cycle GLAUCOUS GULL continues, 1 third-cycle LESSER BLACK-BACKED
From Keith Mueller:
01/30/15 - New London, City Pier -- Glaucous Gull continues with close
Guilford, East River marsh -- Rough-legged Hawk continues.
Madison, Circle beach -- with John Marshall, 3 Iceland Gulls; adult
"FC", 1st and 2nd cycles.
From Paul Desjardins:
01/30/15 - Enfield -- afternoon; as seen from the Barnes boat launch,
Red-necked Grebe.
From Bruce Stevenson:
01/30/15 - Greenwich, Grass Island -- One drake REDHEAD, actually seen
at yacht club harbor.
From Angela Dimmitt:
01/30/15 - West Haven, Sandy Point -- 4:20 PM; 2 Lapland Longspurs
(with 6 Horned Larks) eating in gravel at edge of snow in parking lot.
From John Marshall:
01/30/15 - Waterford, New Shore Road -- DICKCISSEL feeding actively at
midday at the feeders in front of the house.
From Julian Hough:
01/30/15 - Guilford, Neck Rd -- Rough-legged Hawk visible from the
area of the boat launch.
Madison, Hammonasset Beach State Park -- Also one dark juvenile
Rough-legged Hawk, visible on Cedar Island.
From Mike Widmer:
01/30/15 - Norwalk -- 10:15 AM; 6 Black Vultures on a light pole on
the southbound side of the Rt 7 Connector, with a couple more flying