From Pat and Chris Tamborra:
02/07/15 - Salem, Harris Road -- The Yellow-headed Blackbird arrived
at about 8 Saturday morning. It was in with a large flock of mostly
cowbirds and spooked easily.
From Jim and Jan Sherwonit with CT Audubon Eco Travel group:
02/07/15 - Stratford, Short Beach -- Two Snowy owls across the channel
along the beach at Milford point.One was completely white and one
showed a lot of streaking.
Milford, Milford Point -- Saw the streaked Snowy Owl again from the
tower and platform at Milford Coastal Center.
Stratford, Raven Pond -- Drake and hen Northern Pintail. Also first
cycle Iceland gull on one of the smaller docks (in with ringbilled and
herring gulls).
Milford, Mondo Pond -- Redhead.
From John Oshlick:
02/07/15 - Stratford, Long Beach -- 1 Snowy Owl quite far down the
From Julian Hough:
02/07/15 - Stratford, Long Beach -- One active Snowy Owl, 1 Common
Redpoll, 1 light morph Rough-legged Hawk, 2 Ipswich Savannah Sparrow.
From Bill Batsford and Kathy Van Der Aue:
02/07/15 - Fairfield, Brach Rd, Sunken Island -- 8:50 AM; male
Harlequin continues.
From Andy Brand
02/07/15 - Hamden, yard -- Red-breasted Nuthatch at the feeders all
day and seen on and off in the yard for the past two weeks.
From Paul Carrier:
02/07/15 - Harwinton, yard -- this morning counted 70 Pine Siskin at
feeders with another 40 plus in the trees. They are very spooked
though. Also 4 Redpoll, one male and 3 Female.
From Jim & Jackie Dugan:
02/07/15 - New Milford, yard -- 35~ fos PINE SISKIN from 7AM on and
after 2PM we've had 1 female and 2 male COMMON REDPOLL. Goldfinch
numbers increased substantially as well today.
From Dave Winston:
02/07/15 - Stamford, Cove Island -- Dickcissel seen, under the feeders
with a Fox Sparrow.