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Coastal Center

Beverly Propen
Wed, Feb 21, 2024 7:03 PM

2/21/2024  Milford, Connecticut Audubon Coastal Center.  10am-1PM  high
tide receding, 38F, overcast.
Lots of visitors today- families enjoying Franklin the turtle.
On the marsh: (viewed from windows inside bldg. with bins & scopes) 115
Canada geese as the tide was receding, 37 American Black ducks, 4 Gadwalls,
6 Buffleheads actively diving, 2 American Wigeons,  9 Ring billed gulls, 1
Great black backed gull,  3 Mute swans,  2 Common loons (a bit farther
out), 7 Green winged teal, 4 Red breasted mergansers-skimming surface of
the water with their bills and one of them caught something (1 male, 3
On grounds & feeders:  8 Mourning doves, 6 House finches (1 with eye
disease, 1 orange coloration), 3 White throated sparrows, 3 Song sparrows,
12 House sparrows,  4 Cardinals (2M, 2 F).
On the way home, I stopped at Crosby Pond & Old Tavern Rd park- with no
sign of the Greater white fronted goose.
Bev Propen, Orange

2/21/2024 Milford, Connecticut Audubon Coastal Center. 10am-1PM high tide receding, 38F, overcast. Lots of visitors today- families enjoying Franklin the turtle. On the marsh: (viewed from windows inside bldg. with bins & scopes) 115 Canada geese as the tide was receding, 37 American Black ducks, 4 Gadwalls, 6 Buffleheads actively diving, 2 American Wigeons, 9 Ring billed gulls, 1 Great black backed gull, 3 Mute swans, 2 Common loons (a bit farther out), 7 Green winged teal, 4 Red breasted mergansers-skimming surface of the water with their bills and one of them caught something (1 male, 3 Female). On grounds & feeders: 8 Mourning doves, 6 House finches (1 with eye disease, 1 orange coloration), 3 White throated sparrows, 3 Song sparrows, 12 House sparrows, 4 Cardinals (2M, 2 F). On the way home, I stopped at Crosby Pond & Old Tavern Rd park- with no sign of the Greater white fronted goose. Bev Propen, Orange