From Tina Green:
01/29/15 - Fairfield, Sunken Island, at 2182 Fairfield Beach Rd --
adult male Harlequin Duck out with White-winged Scoters to the right
of the red bell buoy. A scope was needed.
From Patrick Comins:
01/29/15 - Southbury, Lake Zoar near Mitchell Farm -- Two Iceland
Gulls on the lake, first and second cycle. Greater White-fronted
Goose there as well and several Pine Siskins flying over.
Bent of the River -- At least 4 Purple Finch.
Lake Zoar -- lunchtime, with Maggie Peretto, Jim Clifford and others;
at least four Iceland Gulls (3 first year 1 second year that pretty
much looks like a first year) on the lake. The Greater White-fronted
Goose continues.
From Paul Cashman:
01/29/15 - Stratford, Raven Pond -- 2 pair Northern Pintail.
Boothe Memorial Park -- 2 Black Vultures.
From John Marshall:
01/29/15 - Milford, Milford Point -- SNOWY OWL at about the mid-point
of the breakwater as viewed from Short Beach in Stratford.
From Chris Bosak:
01/29/15 - Darien, Weed Beach -- one Fox Sparrow (with dozens of
From Bill Banks, Greg Hanisek, Frank Gallo:
01/29/15 - Waterford, 14 New Shore Road -- The Dickcissel continued to
come to the front feeders today. The feeders can be easily seen from
the road.
New London, City Pier, New London Ferry Dock -- morning;Glaucous Gull.
From Robert Dixon:
01/29/15 - Enfield, Donald W Barnes boat launch, -- 9:30 AM; BARNACLE
GOOSE (2) continued on the river until about 11:30 am when about half
of the one thousand geese flew off to feed. Presumably they went with
The drake BARROW'S GOLDENEYE continued and was seen by many between
the boat launch and the bridge down river.
From Dan Drega:
01/29/15 - Enfield, South River Road, boat launch -- adult Northern
From Lynnette Clemens:
01/29/15 - Greenwich, harbor, Grass Island -- male Redhead.