From Paul and Maureen Wolter:
01/23/15 - Stratford, Lordship/Great Meadows Marsh -- Friday
afternoon, one Snowy Owl perched on a large log in the middle of the
From John & Michele Barriger:
01/23/15 - Stonington, Lambert's Cove -- 12:00 to 12:30 PM; Sandhill
Crane is walking back & forth, preening, along edge of ice, just off
St Mary's Cemetary.
From Jory Teltser with Tina Green, Sara Zagorski, and Jannie Shapiro:
01/23/15 - Stonington, Lamberts Cove -- Sandhill Crane continues
feeding and preening to the right of the bridge. Viewed from St Mary's
From Frank Gallo, Bill Banks:
01/23/15 - Fairfield, Sunken Island -- Harlequin Duck.
From Frank Mantlik:
01/23/15 - Enfield, Connecticut River, Barnes Boat Ramp -- 2 BARNACLE
GEESE (among thousands of Canada Geese) in good light on west bank.
And at least 3 CACKLING GEESE.
Enfield, Connecticut River as viewed from St Patrick's Cemetery at
north end of Pleasant St -- male BARROW'S GOLDENEYE continues, but had
to scope through trees to see the river.
From Don Morgan:
01/23/15 - Coventry, yard -- Up to 10 Pine Siskins at my thistle
feeders this morning. First time this year I've seen more than 5.
From Sophie Zyla with Donna Rose Smith:
01/23/15 - Stonington, Lambert s Cove -- Saw Sandhill Crane on the
edge of the waterline, viewed from St Mary's Cemetery on Stonington
Road between Collins Road and No Waters Street.
Stonington, Barn Island, marsh -- Rough-legged Hawk before the osprey
From Sharon Abner:
01/23/15 - Danbury -- 2 Black Vultures above 235 Main St, 11:30
From Preston Lust:
01/23/15 - Westport -- 1 BROWN THRASHER at Bedford Middle School.
Calling by pond and flew towards the direction of Wakeman Town Farm. P
From Paul Desjardins:
01/23/15 - Enfield -- The 2 Barnacle Geese were still present as of
3:32 this afternoon as seen from the Barnes boat launch. Also, seen
upriver from the boat launch the continuing Barrows Goldeneye.
4 PM; the Barrow's Goldeneye was seen from St Patricks cemetery on
pleasant street. The Barnacles were not seen from the boat launch as
most of the geese had left.