From Daisy Echevarria:
02/18/15 - New London, New London pier (across from the Exchange
restaurant) -- very large GLAUCOUS GULL,
From Preston Lust:
02/18/15 - Stamford, Cove Island sanctuary -- Dickcissel continuing at
sanctuary feeders, very skittish.
From Frank Mantlik:
02/18/15 - Milford, Oronoque Rd -- From stretch along Housatonic River
between Caswell Cove and Merritt Pkwy bridge, at least 16 BALD EAGLES,
1st-cycle ICELAND GULL (at Milford transfer station), 7 Great
Cormorants, a flock of 30+ American Goldfinches contained 9 COMMON
REDPOLLS and 2 PINE SISKINS (in birches near O & G asphalt plant).
From Paul Desjardins:
02/18/15 - Enfield, Barnes boat launch -- morning; Barrows Goldeneye
and third cycle Iceland Gull.
From Kevin Doyle:
02/18/15 - Stratford, Long Beach -- Snowy Owl flushed by a dog, near
the far end of the parking area. Last seen flying west.
From Ralph Amodei:
02/17/15 - East Haven feeders -- 1 Fox Sparrow.
02/18/15 - East Haven feeders -- 1 juv Lincoln's Sparrow.