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Coastal Center

Beverly Propen
Wed, Jun 12, 2024 7:15 PM

6/12  Milford, Connecticut Audubon Coastal Center.  10am-1PM, low tide,
rising, sunny, 72F.
Many visitors today, some from Texas and some local visitors.
Our Purple Martin colony  continues to be active with a count last week of
208 Eggs.
At 10:25am, the male osprey brought in a fish and both parents were feeding
the chicks.  Of the 3 chicks, 2 appear to be similar age but one is much
smaller and seems weak.
On the grounds:  Mourning doves, 3 Cardinals,  Red winged blackbirds,  6
House finches, Common grackles, starlings and House sparrows, 2 Tree
swallows, 1 vocal Mockingbird.
On the marsh: 6 Great egrets, 4 Snowy egrets and 1 Bald eagle far out.
Bev Propen, Orange

6/12 Milford, Connecticut Audubon Coastal Center. 10am-1PM, low tide, rising, sunny, 72F. Many visitors today, some from Texas and some local visitors. Our Purple Martin colony continues to be active with a count last week of 208 Eggs. At 10:25am, the male osprey brought in a fish and both parents were feeding the chicks. Of the 3 chicks, 2 appear to be similar age but one is much smaller and seems weak. On the grounds: Mourning doves, 3 Cardinals, Red winged blackbirds, 6 House finches, Common grackles, starlings and House sparrows, 2 Tree swallows, 1 vocal Mockingbird. On the marsh: 6 Great egrets, 4 Snowy egrets and 1 Bald eagle far out. Bev Propen, Orange