1/22 Milford, Connecticut Audubon Coastal Center. 10am-1PM. sunny,
12-16F, marsh looks like frozen tundra- beautiful.
Quiet at the center today.
On the marsh: (viewed with scope/bins from inside)-
145 Canada Geese-far out where there was open water, 1 Northern harrier
coasting over, 2 Great Black backed gulls in with many Ring billed and
Herring gulls also far out , 4 Mute swans, 2 Buffleheads, 3 American Black
On the grounds & feeders: 6 House finches, 2 Northern Cardinals, 2 House
sparrows, 4 White throated sparrows, 1 Song sparrow.
Bev Propen, Orange
1/22 Milford, Connecticut Audubon Coastal Center. 10am-1PM. sunny,
12-16F, marsh looks like frozen tundra- beautiful.
Quiet at the center today.
On the marsh: (viewed with scope/bins from inside)-
145 Canada Geese-far out where there was open water, 1 Northern harrier
coasting over, 2 Great Black backed gulls in with many Ring billed and
Herring gulls also far out , 4 Mute swans, 2 Buffleheads, 3 American Black
On the grounds & feeders: 6 House finches, 2 Northern Cardinals, 2 House
sparrows, 4 White throated sparrows, 1 Song sparrow.
Bev Propen, Orange