The past few days I've had Downy's and Red Belly's taking nectar from my hummingbird feeder even though I've keep the bird bath full
Must be the sugar! I never really thought of woodpeckers as sugar fiends, but I know that the red-bellied woodpeckers always take apart the oranges that we put out for the orioles in the spring. We don't do sugar water for our hummers (just plantings), so our woodpeckers satisfy their sweet tooth on the various berries around the yard.
Tammy Eustis
From: Robert Jase via CTBirds
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2024 8:39 AM
Subject: [CT Birds] interesting woodpecker behavior in New Britain, Bob Jase
The past few days I've had Downy's and Red Belly's taking nectar from my hummingbird feeder even though I've keep the bird bath full
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My backyard downies are fiends for that nectar. I have yet to see a
hummingbird visit my feeders this season, but at least it is not going to
waste. They’ve been doing this for as long as I’ve been putting out the
hummingbird feeder. The red bellied woodies in my yard haven’t figured it
out yet.
Last year when the hummingbird finally arrived she had to chase the downies
On Wed, Jun 26, 2024 at 8:40 AM Robert Jase via CTBirds <> wrote:
The past few days I've had Downy's and Red Belly's taking nectar from my
hummingbird feeder even though I've keep the bird bath full
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I have noticed this behavior with young Downies especially. They have real
sweet beaks!
Kathy Van Der Aue
Southport, CT
On Wed, Jun 26, 2024 at 9:11 AM teustis via CTBirds wrote:
Must be the sugar! I never really thought of woodpeckers as sugar fiends,
but I know that the red-bellied woodpeckers always take apart the oranges
that we put out for the orioles in the spring. We don't do sugar water for
our hummers (just plantings), so our woodpeckers satisfy their sweet tooth
on the various berries around the yard.
Tammy Eustis
From: Robert Jase via CTBirds
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2024 8:39 AM
Subject: [CT Birds] interesting woodpecker behavior in New Britain, Bob
The past few days I've had Downy's and Red Belly's taking nectar from my
hummingbird feeder even though I've keep the bird bath full
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In the last hour at the hummingbird feeder we have had 5 visits by female type hummers, 1 visit by a male and 1 visit by a downie (as well as a U display by a male RTHB in front of a female in a shrub). Although downies are daily visitors at our 2 hummingbird feeders, we have only over several years seen 1 visit by a downie to a birdbath less than 2 feet from one of the hummingbird feeders. We have never seen a visit to either the feeders or the birdbath by our resident red-bellies and hairy woodpeckers.
Maryanne and Dean RuppKillingworth
On Wednesday, June 26, 2024 at 01:45:26 PM EDT, Audrey Staropoli via CTBirds wrote:
My backyard downies are fiends for that nectar. I have yet to see a
hummingbird visit my feeders this season, but at least it is not going to
waste. They’ve been doing this for as long as I’ve been putting out the
hummingbird feeder. The red bellied woodies in my yard haven’t figured it
out yet.
Last year when the hummingbird finally arrived she had to chase the downies
On Wed, Jun 26, 2024 at 8:40 AM Robert Jase via CTBirds <> wrote:
The past few days I've had Downy's and Red Belly's taking nectar from my
hummingbird feeder even though I've keep the bird bath full
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CTBirds, a service of Connecticut Ornithological Association - Bringing
birders together statewide. Please support COA:
CTBirds is for the discussion of birds and birding in Connecticut. For
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To subscribe or unsubscribe via email, send an email with just "join" or "leave" in the subject or body to:
CTBirds, a service of Connecticut Ornithological Association - Bringing birders together statewide. Please support COA:
CTBirds is for the discussion of birds and birding in Connecticut. For list rules and subscription information visit: