Partially leucistic junco made a brief appearance in the yard to supplement
the flock of ~20 "regular" juncos. Yellow-bellied sapsucker visited the
suet, which means it's cold.
Junco photos with eBird checklist:
Rob Ballinger - Clinton
We’ve had a partly leucistic junco at our feeders; interestingly, we had one last year as well.
And “our" sapsucker made an appearance today at our feeders. I was looking for it all day yesterday, when I could have used the points for the Megabowl!!!
Liz - Woodbury
On Feb 2, 2025, at 1:57 PM, Rob Ballinger via CTBirds wrote:
Partially leucistic junco made a brief appearance in the yard to supplement
the flock of ~20 "regular" juncos. Yellow-bellied sapsucker visited the
suet, which means it's cold.
Junco photos with eBird checklist:
Rob Ballinger - Clinton
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