From Stefan Martin:
02/08/15 - Greenwich, Grass Island -- 3 REDHEAD (2 Drakes and 1 Hen).
From Steph Stewart:
02/08/15 - Vernon, yard -- Common Redpoll at the feeder, came in with
a large group of Pine Siskins. While I've been hosting a good number
of Pine Siskins all winter, this is a FOY Redpoll.
From Maria Stockmal:
02/08/15 - Derby, Derby Greenway -- Peregrine Falcon, Black Vulture.
From Steve Spector:
02/08/15 - Milford, Mondo Ponds, 9:45 AM, drake Redhead continues
(with 7 other duck species).
From Stefan Martin with Mike and Wanda Moccio:
02/08/15 - Stamford -- Flyover Blue Morph Snow Goose near Cummings
Czecik Marina -- Second cycle Iceland Gull.
From Russ Naylor (Western CT Bird Club):
02/08/15 - Southbury, Shepaug Dam, intersection River Rd and Purchase
Brook Rd -- 1 adult dark morph Rough-legged Hawk.
From Jim Bair:
02/08/15 - Moodus, Stockburger Rd -- Pine Siskin.
From Robert Dixon:
02/08/15 - Central Village, Quinebaug Fish Hatchery -- Sunday bird
walk highlights; WILSON'S SNIPE.
From Keith Mueller:
02/08/15 - New London, City Pier -- 1st cycle Glaucous Gull, vry close
From Frank & Linda Mantlik:
02/08/15 - Stratford, Lordship Blvd (Ct-113) -- SNOWY OWL perched on
icy marsh east of airport entrance, generally near old rusted metal
bulkheads. Caution: no safe place to pull over on causeway.
From James Winkelmann & Co:
02/08/15 - Stratford, Raven Pond -- 3 male Northern Pintail.
Sniffens Point -- 1 Snowy Owl across the channel in marsh almost due
North, perched on a log (life bird for my daughter, pretty exciting!)
Milford, Milford Point -- 1 Snowy Owl offered outstanding looks to 8
observers, initially found it shortly after arrival right off the
beach-side deck, no more than 40 yards away. It flew a bit and
landed, did this several times, moving to the outer beach, eventually
moving to the far sandbar to the South where it remained when we left.
Could have been the same bird from Sniffens Point, unknown.
From Ralph Amodei:
02/08/15 - ast Haven, feeder -- 7:10 AM; Fox Sparrow.
From Cindi and Bill Kobak:
02/08/15 - Guilford/Madison, Circle Beach boat launch road -- 12:30
PM; ROUGH-LEGGED HAWK continues, perched on fence at edge of marsh
near purple martin houses (road passable only with high-clearance
4-wheel drive vehicle).